hi, friend!

Have you felt as though life is simply happening to you? 

Do you have a hard time naming what really matters to you (and not just what’s “supposed to” matter)?

Perhaps you feel cut off from yourself, taking the steps you “should” be taking but wondering if they’re what’s best for you. 

Welcome to Coming Home, a six-month opportunity to reconnect with yourself in a meaningful way, to examine learned paradigms and rules that aren’t serving you, and to name and step into those things that matter.

You are invited to courageously see yourself in a new way - powerful, worthy, and having everything you need to live a life of meaning. My hope for our time together is that you’ll:

▶️ Feel more connected to yourself and increase your awareness

▶️ Explore some of the limiting beliefs and old rules that are holding you back from leading yourself & your life

▶️ Identify your values and begin to make decisions in alignment with those things that matter to you

▶️ Experience coaching that is supportive and helps you gain clarity

▶️ Feel more empowered to take ownership over your daily life


Month 1 | Creating a Safe Space: Exploring what it looks like to connect with yourself, why it matters, and how to do so with grace and curiosity.

Month 2 | Exploring our Rules + Beliefs: Facing the sh*t you’ve picked up along the way that shapes how you live and the choices you make and evaluating: Does this serve me?

Month 3 | Thinking on Purpose: Deepening your capacity to harness how your brain works and making the choice to think with intention and purpose.

Month 4 | Expectations: Evaluating the expectations you’re unconsciously seeking to meet and making intentional choices about which ones we want to consciously agree to moving forward.

Month 5 | Identifying What Matters: Identifying your values and exploring what it looks like to make decisions that align with them. 

Month 6 | Becoming Self-Supportive: Deepening your capacity to be self supportive and beginning the journey toward greater self validation and trust.

This space is not about having more information or gaining greater knowledge - odds are you’ve read lots of books and listened to many podcasts already.

It’s about beginning to practice those things that bring about deep-down, self-exploration and change.

It’s about intentionally loving, trusting, and listening to yourself.

It’s about beginning to quiet the external noise, reconnect with your own inner knowing, and take steps forward that align with the woman you’re becoming.

the details

This six-month opportunity is meant to be experienced. While we’ll discuss quite a bit in six months, my hope is that the tools you learn and the discussions we have are integrated into your life over time and at your own pace. While I encourage participation in all aspects of the program, I invite you to access those pieces that you feel will most serve you at this time.

As with most experiences, the energy and attention you give to Coming Home will play a significant role in what you gain during the six months.

Your enrollment includes:

  • 1 kickoff call with Kellye, providing us with a chance to connect before the program begins

  • 6 monthly teachings you can access at your own pace

  • 12 one-hour, group Zoom calls for coaching and discussion (every two weeks)

  • Activities and tools designed to deepen understanding and practice

  • An optional private group to connect with each other during the six weeks

  • 6 1:1 coaching calls with Kellye

Investment: $3600
with payment plans available to meet your financial needs